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Cosmetic Plant

With a wide range of products inspired by the nature and quality certified by several international prizes, Cosmetics Plant is always near her clientele, giving them the beauty and glamour they deserve.
Natural extracts of plants incorporated into creams, stiff emulsions and face lotions improve their Cosmetic Plant power for the care of the skin, the skin of your hands, feet and body. Also, Shampoos, face lotions and balm for hair care is based on the healing power of plants with special properties.

22,30 RON

Lapte demachiant vitaminizant cu catina si masline COSMETIC PLANT 200ml este un produs destinat pentru a indeparta eficient impuritatile si urmele de machiaj de pe ten.

in stoc

21,65 RON

Lotiunea Antiacneica cu busuioc COSMETIC PLANT 200ml contine extract de busuioc, galbenele si coada soricelului.

in stoc

20,73 RON

Lotiunea antiacneica cu salvie COSMETIC PLANT 200ml contine ulei de salvie si are proprietati calmante, cicatrizante si antiinflamatoare.

in stoc

29,52 RON

Lotiune dupa plaja spray calmare COSMETIC PLANT 200ml are efecte antiseptice, cicatrizante, calmante, antiinflamatoare si tonifiante.

in stoc

20,99 RON

Lotiunea Tonica cu castraveti COSMETIC PLANT 200ml este un produs ce contine suc de castraveti si ajuta la curatarea eficienta a tenului.

in stoc

23,32 RON

Lotiunea tonica cu catina si masline COSMETIC PLANT 200ml contine vitamina E, pantenol, ulei de catina si masline solubilizate.

22,96 RON

Lotiune tonica reconfortanta Bio COSMETIC PLANT 200ml tonifiaza tenul datorita ingredientelor certificate organic.

19,02 RON

Lotiunea tonifianta pentru par COSMETIC PLANT 100ml este un spray ce tonifica scalpul datorita actiunii principiilor active din ingredientele sale.

in stoc

23,61 RON

Lotiunea Tonica Q10 Mineral Complex COSMETIC PLANT 200ml are in formula sa un complex mineral energizant

16,94 RON

Masca revitalizanta cu galbenele COSMETIC PLANT 100ml este un produs creat pentru a asigura o curatare profunda a pielii

in stoc

43,31 RON

Pachetul Argan contine Crema regeneranta de zi Bio Cosmetic plant 50ml si Lapte demachiant reconfortant Bio 200ml Cosmetic Plant.

22,20 RON

Samponul antimatreata cu sulf si urzica COSMETIC PLANT 250ml este un produs cu ingrediente naturale pentru un par plin de sanatate si stralucire.

in stoc

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