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BioShopRomania este prima platforma din Romania creata sub forma de supermarket online dedicat produselor locale traditionale, bio si naturale romanesti avand ca scop promovarea culturii gastronomice nationale atat in tara cat si in afara ei. De peste 12 ani suntem in contact permanent cu mici fermieri din toata tara si astfel, urmam circuitul "from farm to table" pentru sprijinirea economiei locale si inlesnirea accesului vostru la alimente sanatoase certificate..

638,79 RON
618,46 RON
605,00 RON
564,96 RON
513,60 RON
496,34 RON
459,42 RON
429,74 RON
425,14 RON
420,00 RON
410,67 RON
386,64 RON
379,78 RON
359,49 RON
348,88 RON
327,28 RON
315,30 RON
314,58 RON
312,62 RON
Momentan Indisponibil
288,54 RON
257,60 RON
249,86 RON
245,00 RON
235,08 RON
229,11 RON
219,98 RON
196,40 RON
189,15 RON
186,32 RON
186,32 RON
184,64 RON
169,90 RON 155,05 RON
169,90 RON 155,05 RON
169,90 RON 155,05 RON
169,90 RON 155,05 RON
169,90 RON 155,05 RON
105,00 RON
109,90 RON 99,93 RON
109,90 RON 99,93 RON
109,90 RON 99,93 RON
109,90 RON 99,93 RON
109,90 RON 99,93 RON
96,03 RON
Momentan Indisponibil
75,03 RON
Momentan Indisponibil
68,78 RON
Momentan Indisponibil
68,78 RON
Momentan Indisponibil
63,00 RON

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