Blackcurrant Nectar DACIA PLANT 300ml It is a natural juice without sugar.
Blackcurrant Nectar is a blackcurrant juice with pulp of fresh pressed grape juice from pulp and water.
Black currants contain vitamin C, B vitamins, tannins, rutoside traces of green volatile oil (up 0.2%) consisting of terpene hydrocarbons, citric and malic acid, sugars, anthocyanins, fatty oil, terpenes, flavonoids (miricetol, quercetol, carnferol), pectin, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin PP.
Black currant nectar helps the body numerous ailments: arthritis, lung problems, kidney stones, gout.
Relieves fatigue, strengthens the immune system and to correct some vision problems.
Neutralize free radicals and help prevent aging processes.
It helps to build bones and ligaments development and stimulates tissue formation.
BioShopRomania supermarket promotes authentic Romanian producers only, Romanian organic products and traditional products certified natural. The products we offer for sale in the shop comply with all legal requirements in force for domestic and international sell.
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