Painea, aliment si simbol

5 + 1 free, Bread, food and symbol, by Varvara Buzila, GastroArt Publishing House

268,85 RON
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Super offer, 5 + 1 free, Bread, food and symbol. Experience of the sacred, by the researcher Varvara Buzilă is the first volume of the collection dedicated to specialized studies about the publisher GastroArt gastronomy.

The volume is a thorough study about bread and doughs entografic ritual present in consumer habit of Romanians. Editing it is part of the bread map that try to map traditional recipes from us and build a history of bread, cereals, milling and bakery in Romania.

Romanian edition only.

National and international express delivery in 24/48 hours, worldwide express delivery.

GastroArt Publishing House - publisher Cosmin Dragomir.

Doresc să cumpăr cartea Pâinea:aliment sI simbol,de Varvara Buzilă.
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