Small or large, bright red or dark black, fleshy and delicious, cherries are fruits that people consume of centuries , for flavor, but and for the benefits that it offers these healthy fruits. Cherries are part of prunus family and are related to peaches, plums and apricots. The legend says that the Romans found these fruits in Asia in 70 ante hrist.Also Romans brought the cherries in Britain, somewhere in the first century .
Cherries are some of the fruits that can be used in its entirety. The fruit is eaten, the queue is tea diuretic and anti-inflammatory, and seeds are used to produce pillows anticoli. Cherries are the lowest calorie content, can successfully replace sweets and can be eaten at any time of day to evening.
Healthy benefits of these fruits are evident. They anticancer effect, regenerative, diuretic, due to its high antioxidant, regulates blood cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation and alleviate muscle pain, help maintain a normal heart rhythm.
Datorita antioxidantilor, vitaminelor A, B, C, E, K, PP si a mineralelor – fier, potasiu, zinc, magneziu, cupru, aceste fructe reprezinta reale izvoare de sanatate, fiind folosite cu succes si in curele de slabire.
Cherries are as beautiful as it is sensitive. From picking up consumption and they can withstand in good condition within 3 days. It must however be kept in a cool place and consumed quickly. Darker color is an indication that the cherry is riper and sweeter.
Cherry season is not very generous, he just having a period of six to eight weeks, too short a time to enjoy and filled with tasty fruit. Even though it is recommended that consumption of cherries fresh, they are included in many delicious and healthy recipes, in preparation of jams, compotes, etc.
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