"Courage Forward: You Are Welcome!" Authentic and tasty cuisine from all historical and geographical influences, local wines and other beverages with personality, contemporary Romanian events and lifestyle - this is the axis and slogan of the latest communication initiative to promote Romania to the national and international public – WeAreRomania.com.
Founded by the journalists specialized in gastronomy and wines who provoked the adoption by the Parliament of the "National Day of Romanian Gastronomy and Wines" Cosmin Dragomir and Cezar Ioan, together with the HoReCa entrepreneur Eugen Cătălin Mahu, the #WeAreRomania #YouAreWelcome movement of ideas is run by the cultural association Curaj Înainte - "Courage Forward" and puts in the foreground a Romania full of taste and joy of living, welcoming and appetizing, worth discovering. They have been joined in the first phase by other specialists from different fields who bring added value to the initiative: Ștefan Chirițescu (marketing strategies), Carmina Nițescu (tourism), Adriana Sohodoleanu (gastronomy), Adelina Boboc (communication), Mihnea Dumitru (civil society).
"You Are Welcome" - an idea first materialized in the form of a "think tank" and online communication platform in English WeAreRomania.com – provides a communication vector for the various initiatives organized by the founders, such as culinary festivals, conferences, presentation films, wine tourism trails, wine tourism trails, and profile advertising. Actions undertaken by various other entities with similar aims are also welcome.
If we don't talk about the values of Romanian gastronomic culture, others will - badly!
"It's a private, voluntary initiative, by which we make up for the lack of interest from the authorities or the amateurism shown far too often in promoting tourist Romania abroad. We want to grow a vehicle for communicating our values adapted to new technologies and trends in social media. At the moment, we are a handful of enthusiasts who are volunteering part of their time to build this project: we have also initiated discussions with other long-term partners in different fields of interest for this endeavor, and the list is open to anyone who can bring added value. Promotion through this platform can benefit both local entrepreneurs who contribute to the development of communities, associations promoting concepts suitable for the general theme, but especially Destination Management Organizations and other institutions with similar purposes. The proposals are passed through the team's editorial filter WeAreRomania.com and promoted according to the timeliness and pace of project development. The service is free of charge within the availability of the coordinating team. The initiators wish and aim to attract funds for self-sustainability and development", say the founders of #WeAreRomania #YouAreWelcome.
The project's founders also point out - with concrete examples available in the form of books or other online resources written by foreigners - that "If we don't speak out, in full knowledge of the facts, about the values of Romanian gastronomic culture, others will continue to do so and we will end up with Romania being known by such enormities as "soup made from guinea pigs", "tofu as a traditional Romanian appetizer", "Alaskan crab and salmon in old local recipes" or "cappuccino from the time of Dracula".
Also, BioShopRomania as a promoter of local eno-gastronomic values, since 2015, both nationally and internationally being among the only shops, grocers, web platforms in Romania with the largest international coverage of local products deliveries (from Australia to the USA) supports and welcomes this initiative.
Let's wish them success!
source: Cosmin Dragomir
photo source: dreamstime.com
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