Raw Vegan is the new trend in today's society, based on everything that is natural. Raw vegan diet involves eating fresh uncooked or chemically. To prepare these foods do not need stove or oven.
From this raw vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, seeds, algae and germs, thermal or chemical unprocessed but are cooked through imuiere, fermentation and dehydration.
From this raw vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, seeds, algae and germs, thermal or chemical unprocessed but are cooked through imuiere, fermentation and dehydration.
Fibers consumed offers a satiety for a long time and in this way we will not feel hunger so often.
Raw vegan foods are healthier and richer in vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals than cooked, which is pied in properties through thermal processing.
Raw vegan diet helps to lose weight in a healthy way, we get rid of constipation and improves digestion most problems. This diet provides the body with all the nutrients it needs.
Raw vegan diet is recommended for cardiovascular diseases, helps detoxify the body, boosts the immune system, prevents cancer and brain diseases.
Free radicals fruits and vegetables delay cell damage and aging.
Eating food raw vegan elimination from the body stimulates the inflammatory and oxidative substatelor, and giving up pasta, sugar, animal fats, meat products, processed fast food.
Snack should contain fruits, vegetables and grains, raw vegan or dessert focused on raw vegetable juices or sweets.
It is important to know that this diet offers many benefits but also some dangers. Therefore, appropriate would be to consult a nutritionist who can help and advise you on this diet for a healthy alternative.This is not recommended for children and pregnant or nursing women. Raw vegan diet does not support the growth and development of children in their raw food vegan nevoie.Ideea behind the diet is to add even near cooked food, large amounts of raw foods, vegetable, which no one can discredit concentrated nutritional qualities.
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