"Courage Forward: You Are Welcome!" Authentic and tasty cuisine from all historical and geographical influences, local wines and other beverages with personality, contemporary Romanian events and lifestyle - this is the axis and slogan of the latest communication initiative to promote Romania to the national and international public – WeAreRomania.com.
Founded by the journalists specialized in gastronomy and wines who provoked the adoption by the Parliament of the "National Day of Romanian Gastronomy and Wines" Cosmin Dragomir and Cezar Ioan, together with the HoReCa entrepreneur Eugen Cătălin Mahu, the #WeAreRomania #YouAreWelcome movement of ideas is run by the cultural association Curaj Înainte - "Courage Forward" and puts in the foreground a Romania full of taste and joy of living, welcoming and appetizing, worth discovering. They have been joined in the first phase by other specialists from different fields who bring added value to the initiative: Ștefan Chirițescu (marketing strategies), Carmina Nițescu (tourism), Adriana Sohodoleanu (gastronomy), Adelina Boboc (communication), Mihnea Dumitru (civil society).
"You Are Welcome" - an idea first materialized in the form of a "think tank" and online communication platform in English WeAreRomania.com – provides a communication vector for the various initiatives organized by the founders, such as culinary festivals, conferences, presentation films, wine tourism trails, wine tourism trails, and profile advertising. Actions undertaken by various other entities with similar aims are also welcome.
If we don't talk about the values of Romanian gastronomic culture, others will - badly!
"It's a private, voluntary initiative, by which we make up for the lack of interest from the authorities or the amateurism shown far too often in promoting tourist Romania abroad. We want to grow a vehicle for communicating our values adapted to new technologies and trends in social media. At the moment, we are a handful of enthusiasts who are volunteering part of their time to build this project: we have also initiated discussions with other long-term partners in different fields of interest for this endeavor, and the list is open to anyone who can bring added value. Promotion through this platform can benefit both local entrepreneurs who contribute to the development of communities, associations promoting concepts suitable for the general theme, but especially Destination Management Organizations and other institutions with similar purposes. The proposals are passed through the team's editorial filter WeAreRomania.com and promoted according to the timeliness and pace of project development. The service is free of charge within the availability of the coordinating team. The initiators wish and aim to attract funds for self-sustainability and development", say the founders of #WeAreRomania #YouAreWelcome.
The project's founders also point out - with concrete examples available in the form of books or other online resources written by foreigners - that "If we don't speak out, in full knowledge of the facts, about the values of Romanian gastronomic culture, others will continue to do so and we will end up with Romania being known by such enormities as "soup made from guinea pigs", "tofu as a traditional Romanian appetizer", "Alaskan crab and salmon in old local recipes" or "cappuccino from the time of Dracula".
Also, BioShopRomania as a promoter of local eno-gastronomic values, since 2015, both nationally and internationally being among the only shops, grocers, web platforms in Romania with the largest international coverage of local products deliveries (from Australia to the USA) supports and welcomes this initiative.
Let's wish them success!
source: Cosmin Dragomir
photo source: dreamstime.com
Find out with what preparation Constantin Brancusi "crazy" his friends and neighbors, in Ep. 3 of The Journey through Traditional Culinary History. Simple and never healthy! Also, the story of this dish with a rich history is found in many Romanian culinary stories. And the French diplomat Paul Morand also tasted the dish with us: "We enjoyed a food that melted in our mouths, delicious unctuous. What is this? I asked. Polenta. Polenta that the peasants eat? Yes, because we, spoiled townspeople, eat it with mesh, cheese and sour cream, while the peasant eats it dry and cold. It is our national food ..... "You can find many other stories about Romanian gastronomy in the best-selling book gastronomy of the year Curatorul de Zacusca scrisa de Cosmin Dragomir (for order click the tex).
We value Romanian gastronomic and oenological traditions, values and cultural heritage and we want to preserve them, give them away and pass them on. So, together with GastroArt, we launched the first Wine for Vegetable Spread (Zacusca) from Romania, limited edition, 350 bottles, along with a series of 6 traditional zacustes produced according to local recipes.
The project is a concept GastroArt /Cosmin Dragomir and BioShopRomania through which we try to capitalize on the Romanian gastronomic and oenological cultural heritage through sincere friendships: book - wine - vegetable spread (zacusca). Today, we introduce you to the wine and the vegetable spread, following that at the beginning of July to appear the "Curatorul de Zacusca - gastronomic texts" written by the culinary journalist Cosmin Dragomir - an anthology of articles published in recent years, but also novel essays about the stories and history of Romanian gastronomy.
We chose, this time, a Sauvignon Blanc from the Averesti Winery, limited edition, which you can not find in Our Romania under another label. It works well with most of the homemade bags, made by small and medium-sized producers, not industrialized ones. Being a limited edition, we only have 350 bottles. It is the first Wine for Vegetable Spread (Zacusca), follow other labels, prepare the rose and a sparkling. We have also paired 6 traditional artisanal vegetable spread, fish spread and mushrooms spread, that we produce according to local recipes.
After an editorial break caused by the pandemic GastroArt Publishing House resumes the project initiated in 2018 to recover and capitalize on the national gastronomic heritage and prepares for this year a series of releases of titles reissued or published in the premiere. So far the publishing house has printed ten titles, following that by next summer to double its track record.
For the largest collection of vegetable spread, mushrooms spread, fish spread - zacusca - in Romania, click on the picture
Order online and receive the package quickly at home (anywhere in the country and anywhere in the world by fast courier), or pick it up from the our showroom: Str. Cezar Bolliac 8, Bucuresti telefon: +4 0733 834 831
Dear friends, as the Easter holidays are approaching we thought to meet your needs and offer you organic and traditional Romanian products in the form of gift baskets. Not just because we're trying to get into the wave of the current eco trend, but because we want to bring a novelty in this period. We believe and hope that we are synchronous with you, that giving traditional Romanian baskets with healthy products is a model of inspiration and the impact on the given person is much greater than in the case of standardized common baskets. We are sure that you will remain for a long time in the soul of the one you have covered with a traditional Romanian basket.
If you have friends, relatives or business partners living outside the country, you can make them the greatest joy of PASTE by sending them a gift with local Romanian products. How? Simple. Place your order online and at the delivery address pass their address. We'll take care of the rest.
We value the traditions, values and cultural, gastronomic and oenological heritage of Romania and we want to keep them, to give them and to pass them on. We have been doing this for 5 years, since we chose to promote authentic Romanian products nationally and internationally. So:
We celebrate for the second year the National Day of Gastronomy and Wines in Romania with 10% DISCOUNT on all products in the store (about 3000), until October 4, 2020.
You order our certified traditional, organic, mountain and natural products made by local producers from all over the country and you receive them quickly at home, or pick them up from the showroom. We deliver your orders, quickly and safely, anywhere in Bucharest, anywhere in the country and anywhere in the world. to enjoy the authentic taste of traditional products or to delight your loved ones with authentic gifts.
It's just healthier!
Last year, after four years of activity with many difficulties but rewarding with wonderful people gladly received "Award of Excellence for Promoting Local Producers".
And today, especially today, I urge you to eat healthy Romanian products and thus to preserve culinary traditions of our country.
Come as we can! Get over it! Us to be healthy!
Stay tuned for a longer text on this subject that brought joy recognizing our team work young and confident with all the turmoil almost five years now. Drum sprinkled with hard work of persuasion, awareness campaigns, research the market and other actions made us even more confident every time.
You can watch the movie about us, honestly said here. Romanian products and to order healthy because we deliver your home anywhere in the world.
Dear all, many thanks for the confidence you show us almost five years and choose to eat healthy certified local traditional Romanian products, organic and natural!
As you all know we have nothing industrial, and service for which the processing and preparation of orders it handmade (gloves, protective masks, disinfectants): each product (bottle, jar, bag, box, etc.) is packed manually both individually in bubble wrap for protection during transport and sanitary hygienic protection.
Therefore, in this period can be late with deliveries in 48/72 hours over standard delivery period.
#Stayhome Only deliver online anywhere in the country and the world with DHL Worldwide Express (international) and Fan Courier (national).
Come as we can! Us to be healthy! Get over it! Everything will be fine!
Find our story began in 2004 and how we got by 15 years to promote and sell authentic Romanian products internationally certified organic or traditional natural to Romanian producers across the country. Thanks to all our partners, friends and clients who put tracking #BioShopRomania. But the best we thank the Romanian producers to meet Romanian gastronomic history.
So we deliver express your orders in 24/48 hours anywhere in the world. Or you can come to see us and to tell you about each product and producer, showroom / 8th Cezar Bolliac Street, 3rd District, Bucharest, Romania; phone: 0733834831
"I begin this article with an exercise in honesty. It's been a year since we launched the first book publisher and avoid the mistakes made then waited another year before I printed other books, during which we have learned from past experience. Quality graphics and printing of books is growing and we have plans for future volumes and higher. Moreover, to increase the quality of services outsourced to third parties selling books. The first place where you can order volumes is bioshopromania.com (here: GastroArt Publishing House books delivery by DHL worldwide).
GastroArt Publishing House aims to reprint all books of Romanian cuisine, contemporary culinary print volumes. We also launched a new collection of books dedicated to specialized areas related to gastronomy (anthropology, ethnography, history, archeology, etc.).
Understanding titles if you know that you think would fit feel free to write us contact@bioshopromania.com.
"Booklet profession chef - cook book printed in 1695 in Cluj, "a translation of the first Hungarian medieval history made Cluj József Lukács, the signing and introductory notes and study. (272 pages - 58 lei).
This book marks many firsts more than worthy to be mentioned and underlined: the oldest recipe for cabbage from us, the oldest recipe for cabbage Cluj oldest bread recipe on the current Romanian territory. Finally, "for the reasons we can say that Sofia Tofeus can be recognized as the author of the first four parts of booklet chef profession and thus, the first author of Romania which was printed work."
"Bread, food and symbol. Experience of the sacred ", the researcher Varvara Buzilă is the first volume of the collection dedicated to specialized studies about cooking. (352 pages - 43 lei). Amount represents a study entografic depth about bread and pastry ritual present in consumer habit of Romanians. Editing it is part of the project are trying to map #hartapainii by traditional recipes from us and build a history of bread, cereals, milling and bakery industry in Romania."
„Romanian cuisine. More comprehensive book of recipes of dishes and buffet "owner: Christ Ionnin, Bucharest. Typographia Stephan Rassidescu appeared for the first and only time in 1865 and used for the first time, the terminology" Kitchen Romanian ". I was in the aftermath of the 1859 Union-n until 1878 when recognition is granted independence, times when "Romanian" & "Romania" only began to impose. I made this very brief digression to explain what the title may seem misleading, since the recipes in the book are not necessarily authentic. (96 pages - 32 lei).
Cookbook from Cluj (1695), 272 pages - 58 lei
Bread, food and symbol. Experience of the sacred, 352 pages - 43 lei
Christ Ionnin - Romanian cuisine (1863), 96 pages, 32 lei
plus shipping charges. "
Dear friends!
We opened the first showroom BioShopRomania in Bucharest with Romanian ingredients from all over the country! After three years of activity we launched online in the most efficient marketplace platform in Romania, BioShopRomania.com dedicated exclusively Romanian producers across the country, it is time we opened our first showroom and (physical store) in Bucharest. So, the holidays can delight your relatives and give them the most delicious and authentic representative Romanian handicraft products. Get in our store, choose products and send us your order to send a quote (or for gift baskets that you can customize either generics). Retain your partners, friends, employees giving them small gifts authentic Romanian as you remember and come back to you! If you want to eat healthy and if I did craving authentic traditions, you are welcome every day from Monday to Friday between 10.30 - 19.00 in Str. Caesar Bolliac 8, Sector 3, Bucharest. Sincerely, Team BioshopRomania
+4 0733 834 831
BioShopRomania by Event Bazar
Showroom : Cezar Bolliac 8, Sector 3, Bucuresti
Dear friends, we come with good news!
BioShopRomania open its first store in Bucharest Friday, October 12th, from 16:00
After three years of activity we launched online in the online marketplace performance platform in Romania, BioShopRomania.com dedicated exclusively Romanian producers across the country, with investment of 20,000 euros, it was time to open his first showroom (physical store) in Bucharest. The online platform we managed so far to offer over 2,500 products from over 70 authentic Romanian Romanian produced certified (growing). Also, the elapsed time through the integrated logistics we can make known Romanian products through direct delivery, throughout Europe, Canada and USA (winning this year permit FDA - Food and Drug Administration for export to the US) and later this month will enable delivery service worldwide. Moreover, 15% of visits are clients overseas, from which we get constant feedbacks extraordinary quality of Romanian products.
So it's time to say hello, Romanian producers shop!
I mean, a place dedicated to Romanian products crafted certificates traditional, organic, or natural, a place to get to know and make friends, to taste and taste the wonders of nutrients produced by traditional methods throughout the country and to tell you about the history of manufacturers and areas of origin.
Thus, we make a foray into the Martanus (jud. Covasna), the second area in Europe labeled for air quality) from where jams and syrups traditional certificates, by cold pressing, prepared only at fire wood, from fruit grown in the local orchard.
We will tell, and confirm with tastings, as two sisters dropped the functions of multinationals and they went to work at his grandparents' house at the foot of Ceahlau Mountains where prepared by traditional methods zacusti delicious pickles, and jams, fruit picked from the forest. Moreover, their products are certified as mountain product.
We enjoy your senses with products made by local manufacturers in Maramures, united in an association that fail to revive old recipes Romanian. For example Dacian garlic jam prepared by conventional means after a recipe that is lost in history.
We will show products Saschiz (town with most cellars in Romania, which help conserve natural traditional products throughout the year, without the need for refrigeration modern) specific jud. Mures, so popular (consumed) including Prince Charles of Wales.
We will tell how Romanian flours in our store are ground in jud. Timis, rustic stone mill, grain certified organic. Did you know for example that spelled is the oldest of grain and wheat ancestor shared with a delicious taste reminiscent of walnuts, being known since antiquity with exceptional benefits body? Well, you learn from us! Also joy, we taste and full-range environmental Romanian wines made painstakingly and passionately vineyards Jamu Mare or range of spirits Muscel made recipes XIX-th century.
And we are talking about products Romanian traditonal authentic, we will enjoy the look of them authentic handmade made by folk Bucovina and popular masks and icons peasant painted on glass by craftsmen authentic (some of them over 70 years and put her whole life in the service of preserving Romanian traditions).
And we have many more beautiful stories of Romanian products made with passion for the beautiful people, the Romans dedicated to authenticity, which we (we count on your fingers), those from BioShopRomania, we dare to call them all over the world.
As you already know, already, all products are certified probing guarantee taste, healthy ingredients, the origin and sincerity.
Therefore, we offer a unique space in Bucharest where you fulfill all expectations healthy or visit us directly or site that placed the order and pick it up from the store you want and time allows.
You're welcome, Friday, October 12th, starting at 16:00 Str. Caesar Bolliac no. 8, Sector 3 (entrance from Str. Matei Basarab) to enjoy together!
BioshopRomania Team
BioShopRomania by Event Bazar
Cezar Bolliac 8, Sector 3, Bucuresti
Dear friends, starting today get your orders quickly, safely and at lower rates in Europe, USA and Canada as a result of a partnership of BioShopRomania with DHL.
DHL is present in over 220 countries and territories worldwide, the company with the widest international spread. With a workforce of more than 360,000 employees, DHL offers solutions for an almost infinite number of logistics needs. DHL is part of the company's world-leading mail and logistics Deutsche Post DHL Group, and comprises the business units of DHL Express, DHL Parcel, DHL eCommerce, DHL Global Forwarding, DHL Freight and DHL Supply Chain.
So now, by placing orders online in our supermarket, packages come to you home quickly, safely and at lower whores.
Our motto - "BioShopRomania for beautiful life".
DHL motto - "Responsibility for life".
One of the most valuable Romanian inventions is apilarnil a beekeeping production drone larvae. Larvae is its basic raw material. Thus, apilarnil that is obtained from the collection of larvae at 7 days of age. Because it contains a large number of male sexual cells, it has always been associated with reproductive health of men is recommended as a remedy against infertility.
Apilarnil, natural bee product, appeared for the first time in Romania in 1980, made of nutritional ingredients and drone larvae, minerals and vitamins. Is a rare and very hard to get asked. Has the consistency of yogurt white-yellow, with a sweet-sour aroma is perishable and kept frozen. The thawing is mixed in variable proportion honey.
Because thermal storage conditions, beekeepers recommend this bee product consumption combined with raw honey or pollen. Store in a refrigerator, but mixed with other bee products can be stored at room temperature.
Used for therapeutic, should follow doctor's advice.
Due to the high consumption of testosterone recommend athletes and highly active people. It is used successfully in cosmetic preparations for various eye disorders and enhance memory, increase immunity and increases resistance to disease, have revitalizing effects, and psihotonice biotrophic. But it must be consumed with caution by diabetics. Although people are the big boys in benefiaciari of this product (potency problems, increase the number of sperm), he must avoid the consumption and use by women (premenstrual syndrome, mastoze, nodule mammary, dismanoree, etc.). Often compared to Viagra, apilarnil is an excellent adjunct to the harmonious development of young men with bio-stimulative qualities, antiviral bringing extra energy to the body.
As one of the most powerful products of bees apilarnil in combination with honey or pollen becomes an ally of health and fight disease.
Order here Apilarnil Forte, inside our store BioShopRomania (get it delivered within 48 hours anywhere in the country and abroad 4 -5 days).
Dear friends, in the next period will inform you, in a series of articles about the authenticity of Romanian traditional products, organic products and natural products. We do this because in the vast industrial products existing food shelves in online or traditional (retail) slips each time by setting products, technological process of preparation and ingredients have no connection with the actual products following certificates. It is better to inform carefully to know what will consume the material, but especially to protect your health.
We all appreciate traditional foods, that are tasty, healthy and lead us to think of traditions and picturesque places of origin. But how can we have the guarantee that we eat on the traditional authentic? The differences between traditional and conventional products are often unnoticeable, especially for those who do not know exactly what color, taste, odor or consistency should have such a product.Romanian traditional products market dynamics intensifies from year to year. Once this dynamic offer traditional products increased and the customer remains vulnerable, especially if they are not informed about what is actually a traditional and knows nothing about the producer.
Romanian traditional product is made exclusively from local raw materials. Based on a recipe and a traditional machining process, the result is a genuine product and easily noticed among other related products.
In such a market, where tradition and authenticity is lost among the many products that mimic authentic, there are several things you can do to buy products 100% Romanian (see our guide to get it here: Clarification product certification):
The simplest way to check if a product is certified traditional one, especially if you are already in front of the shelf is to search national logo on the label. Since December 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has imposed labeling Romanian traditional products with a logo which mentions that the product is certified by MARD, the top side with signs of traditional product and the bottom ROMANIA a tricolor background (as you can see in the photo below).
If you're a consumer convinced of Romanian traditional products, a very simple thing that you can do is to check if what you intend to buy is on the list of certified products. This list can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and shows the exact manufacturer and product name that has been certified as complying product ingredients and traditional recipe.
If you're not convinced of the authenticity of the products, do not be afraid to ask the dealer where it is produced or from which they are produced. It is your right and responsibility to know his last answer. Careful! The markets do not necessarily offer traditional products. Ask the seller about the origin, production and ingredients and even then, follow the labeling rules and traditional product accordance with the above.
They began to appear increasingly more stores specialized in selling organic products and traditional products, both in the online and physical. Are many sites in the online that claim to sell traditional products, but these are not traditional certified, but "sounds" better and sell better if they advertise as being traditional.Inform yourself before ordering. Also, due to demand increasingly higher traditional products and new regulations, supermarkets and hypermarkets I make available special racks with these products. But note that some products are called "traditional" only because the recipe or the kind of product.
Always read labels carefully and inform yourself about E's harmful and those allowed in recommended amounts.
In our online supermarket products are listed in each category BIO products, Traditional products, Natural products, according to their certification, thus respecting the Romanian and European legislation in force.
Originating in South America, juicy and very tasty tomatoes are grown on continental European hundreds of years for the benefits, especially for the delicious taste you have. Eaten raw or heat, tomatoes can be red, yellow, orange, purple, green or brown, all varieties providing essential nutrients for the body.Although tomatoes are fruits in the botanical sense, they did not have the quality of fruit as dessert, as we refer are part of vegetable consumption.
Considered the "miracle of summer", tomatoes have properties unsuspected, an important source of vitamins and minerals for our body: Vitamin A, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, folic acid, etc. :
- The Fight against cancer cells as abundant in lycopene - the pigment responsible for the color of the vegetables to reduced cancer occurrence;- Reduces high blood pressure and risk of heart disease;
- Decreases Cholesterol;
- Protect agains Infections and liver diseases;
- red Helps purify blood in the body to eliminate toxins from the body with antioxidant present;
- Improves View, strengthens bones, prevents kidney diseases;
- They Moisturizing and regenerating the skin and hair.
Tomatoes ranks second after potato, between vegetables used in the kitchen. Because taste sweet and sour, tomatoes can be combined in any QUITE: broths, soups, salads, stews, grilled, so do not lose their nutritional qualities.
Some healthy ways about eating tomatoes, raw or heat:
- adding of canned tomatoes (in the form of broth or sauce) in stews, soups, side dishes to steaks;
- preparation of abruptness to cuptor- of spelled bread, cuburii tomato, garlic, basil and olive oil;
Often appearing prejudices on this issue: candied or crystallized honey has the same properties as the liquid honey? Or if the honey is crystallized means that adding an amount of sugar? Certainly many of us, we put these questions, questioning the quality of honey purchased.
Crystallisation of honey or saccharification process is absolutely natural. This process is typical of most varieties of honey, than honey locust, alfalfa or hand which crystallizes harder. Thus candied honey is neither false and it was not added sugar.
Why crystallizes honey? Honey is "living food" that does not die when removed from the hive. While honey "work" begins to form crystals, honey "is zahariseste".Hence the myth that honey saccharification occurs because, as a beekeeper added sugar.
By crystallisation of honey, sugar amount remains the same, only under condition of sugars pass into solid solution. This natural process does not change the qualities of that product. From the chemical point of view, the phenomenon is that glucose is less soluble in water than fructose. Practical change the proportion between the quantities of fructose and glucose. The phenomenon apparently is not fully elucidated, but over time, the amount of glucose increases in the proportion of fructose expense under the influence of low temperature therefore small crystals begin to form glucose. Many believe that honey has crystallized due to water evaporation. Not true, if heating the honey back to the original viscosity.
Thus, candied honey retains its therapeutic qualities taste and all they had in a fluid state.
Why did I buy candied honey? While many buyers prefer to buy a liquid honey in place of candied paradox it is that saccharification may be an indicator of honey quality.
If however, we want crystallized honey, we can melt the honey jar in warm water entering it, but be careful as the water temperature to be 40 degrees Celsius. If this temperature is exceeded, then the honey loses a lot of qualities. Treatment is temporary because the honey will crystallize back faster than the first time.
Here, bee products and various types of honey in our store:- BIO Bee products and Natural bee products
Blackberries - fairest summer fruits, black-gloss color with an intense flavor and sweet-sour taste, hiding a lot of health benefits, being a true treasure of nature in treating certain body ailments. Since ancient times, the berries were used as a dressing is put directly on the wound due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-hemorrhagic they own due to high content of tannins. Berries contain antioxidants, most powerful as resveratrol, vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, iron, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, copper and manganese. The benefits of these delicate fruits are multiple:
- Strengthened immune system;
- Helps heal wounds;
- By content of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus strengthens bones;
- Helps the liver;
- Decreases cholesterol;
- Combat constipation;
- Prevents cancer and anemia;
- strengthened view;
- Adjusts the menstrual cycle;
- Heal inflammation and pain in the neck;
- Combat heartburn and peptic ulcers; and so on
With fewer calories, berries are eaten in different diets. Even the leaves are used for therapeutic purposes, having healing powers in treating certain diseases.Blackberries retains the properties and freeze well and can thus we have at hand the rest of the year.
Fairest fruits are eaten fresh or dried for therapeutic purposes, but also to enjoy the taste buds in different recipes, most often encountered in the preparation of jams, jams, syrups, teas, and so on.
Raspberry is a fruit berries, delicate and fragrant ruby red color, with a sweet-sour taste and is an important source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for the body and true source of health.
Birthplace of raspberries is supposed to be somewhere in east Asia, where it was brought in Europe several thousand years ago. Currently, 10 species of raspberry know who to turn several subspecies. But the most famous is Rubus idaeus, European raspberries that grow spontaneously in our country. Archaeological evidence showed that consumption was used for therapeutic purposes and possibly 3,000 years ago. Growing raspberries appeared very late, two or three centuries ago, before increasing it everywhere through groves at the edge of forests, or near people's homes. Unfortunately, due to massive deforestation, vast zmeurisuri disappeared. Romania is among the few countries which have abundant enough raspberries, being a leading manufacturer for quality.
Raspberry from our country (Romania) has a taste and a scent like no other parts, but also an exceptional therapeutic action.
Unfortunately, raspberries packed in containers, which can be found in supermarkets, although raspberry preserves more than spontaneous flora (which hold less), taste and aroma of raspberries are a pale reflection as we know from childhood. Taste the latter also meet him sometimes in markets or on roadsides in the mountains, but also in Romanian artisan bio products, traditional or natural products (syrups, jams, jams, teas, etc.), small Romanian producers (you find in our shop).
The properties of raspberry on the body resulting from the content of vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E, K), minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, potassium, sodium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, selenium), folic acid, fiber, and antioxidants.
- Reduces the risk of cancer;
- Slow down skin aging;
- Increases fertility;
- Fight against depression;
- Upgrade to;
- Reduces stomach inflammation;
- Helps digestion;
- Helps process of losing weight, being used in different diets;
Eating raspberries and raspberry leaf tea is recommended for people with diabetes, because it helps balance blood sugar. It is recommended in obesity, immunity, allergies, pregnancy, constipation, irregular periods, etc. Mothers must show caution in introducing raspberries in nutrition to children. Like any fruit can give allergic reactions.
Raspberry is used fresh or frozen in different recipes or as syrup, jam, jam, jelly, etc.If we did lust, we recommend either natural organic products and traditional Romanian of raspberries in our store.
Small or large, bright red or dark black, fleshy and delicious, cherries are fruits that people consume of centuries , for flavor, but and for the benefits that it offers these healthy fruits. Cherries are part of prunus family and are related to peaches, plums and apricots. The legend says that the Romans found these fruits in Asia in 70 ante hrist.Also Romans brought the cherries in Britain, somewhere in the first century .
Cherries are some of the fruits that can be used in its entirety. The fruit is eaten, the queue is tea diuretic and anti-inflammatory, and seeds are used to produce pillows anticoli. Cherries are the lowest calorie content, can successfully replace sweets and can be eaten at any time of day to evening.
Healthy benefits of these fruits are evident. They anticancer effect, regenerative, diuretic, due to its high antioxidant, regulates blood cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation and alleviate muscle pain, help maintain a normal heart rhythm.
Datorita antioxidantilor, vitaminelor A, B, C, E, K, PP si a mineralelor – fier, potasiu, zinc, magneziu, cupru, aceste fructe reprezinta reale izvoare de sanatate, fiind folosite cu succes si in curele de slabire.
Cherries are as beautiful as it is sensitive. From picking up consumption and they can withstand in good condition within 3 days. It must however be kept in a cool place and consumed quickly. Darker color is an indication that the cherry is riper and sweeter.
Cherry season is not very generous, he just having a period of six to eight weeks, too short a time to enjoy and filled with tasty fruit. Even though it is recommended that consumption of cherries fresh, they are included in many delicious and healthy recipes, in preparation of jams, compotes, etc.
Like & Share Contest Rules - Romanian Traditional Easter Baskets!
Can participate all those who meet all the conditions below:
- You have not yet given LIKE our Facebook page; Hurry, only then you can enter the competition!
- LIKE & SHARE competition in our image;
Good luck!
Contest rules!
1. The contest period runs from April 14, 2016 - April 26, 2016, starting on April 14, 2016 and ending on April 26, 2016. The extraction will take place on April 27, 2016, 12:00, and results will be made public on the website https://www.bioshopromania.com/ section Blog and Facebook page of the store in April 27th 2016 winner immediately after validation;
2. The contest is conducted by SC Event Bazar SRL, based in Bucharest, Calea Victoriei. 21, Sector 3, Nr. Reg. Trade Register J40 / 4494/2010 and CUI 26860556
3. The contest runs exclusively on Facebook;4. Participants must be fans of the Facebook page BioShopRomania.com
5. Participation in this competition implies acceptance and knowing full, express and unequivocal of this Regulation.
6. The Official channel of communication with participants for this competition is the store's Facebook page www.BioShopRomania.com, namely in the section dedicated to the subject of discussion and Blog section of the store.
7. Participants who try to defraud mechanism contest will be disqualified.8. To be considered eligible, contest participants must have a Facebook account to be associated with a real person.
9. It is up to the organizer to eliminate competition entries in the accounts of those suspected deFacebook created in order to participate in competitions. The organizer can check the veracity of the accounts of Facebook suspicious by the following procedure: accessing them in order to identify the following items (at least): profile picture, a minimum of 50 friends, activity in the account and the existence of ways to contact the user . If there are suspicions further, you can proceed to contact the person who owns the account suspect through a private message to validate the statement.
10. The organizer reserves the right to modify or change this regulation. If the rules will change, this will be announced on the official channel of communication.
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Dear friends , Easter holidays it's getting closer and we thought we meet your needs and offer Romanian organic products and traditional natural form of gift baskets. Not just because we fought in the current wave of eco trend, but because we want to bring a novelty in this period. We believe and hope that we are synchronous with you, to gift baskets with Romanian traditional healthy foods is an inspirational and gifted individual impact is much higher than for common standardized pimples. We are sure that you will remain for long in the soul or the one that you gifted a Romanian traditional basket.
On the other hand, we want to announce with joy that we will be present with a booth at SPRING FEST - Palm Sunday and Easter Fair in Bucharest Mall, between April 20 to 29. So if you have time, you're welcome at our booth (positioned at the Starbucks downstairs lane in front of the store Lacoste) to know our stories and goodies and traditional Romanian natural bio certified.
Good to hear!
Strawberries are red fruit with pleasant taste and smell and with a history of over 2000 years. A wide variety of their species are found in various parts of the world.
These fruits will provide the necessary energy and contribute to the well being at your health, fighting against cardiovascular diseases and favoring fortify bones and teeth.
Both fruits, and leaves have been used since ancient times for therapeutic purposes to treat stomach aches, and other gastrointestinal disorders.
Strawberries are fruits with a content rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron, but contain rare minerals, the body needs manganese, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, copper.
Their nutritional value is indisputable responsible for numerous beneficial effects that the consumption of strawberries has on health. Imagine that eating a bowl with 100g of strawberries. Besides delicious taste, this small amount gives us 98% of the RDA of vitamin C.
Besides vitamin C, strawberries are a rich source of B vitamins, particularly folate and vitamin B6. Strawberries also contain vitamins A and E antioxidant and vitamin K.
This fabulous fruit has beneficial effects against fatigue, so it is perfect for seniors or people in convalescence. Also, strawberries helps in healing the skin.
Even if it has many benefits, strawberry can create for some people and allergic reactions.
These delicious fruits are used in many dishes, so cruel but also as jams, jams, jellies, etc.
Propolis is a resinous substance, brown or green-brown, with a pleasant, poplar bud, honey, wax and vanilla, proplisul is a very famous and sought medical world.
Propolis is an excellent antibiotic that acts progressively inhibiting bacterial growth, restoring damaged tissue by them, favoring excess mucus from the airways.
There are two ways beekeepers harvest this medicine: Scrape it directly on the walls hive of bees or greater efficiency by building a special collection, which takes progressively production bees, which so stimulated to collect increasing amounts of propolis .
Remedy tradition in herbal medicine in Romania, propolis can be found easily from beekeepers or crude form of Bulgaras brown or liquid, such as tincture in alcohol. Propolis crude quality is recognized by a specific odor (sweet and sour) very strong, and lack luster (gloss has a lot of propolis wax in it and as such, its properties are greatly diminished).
A piece of propolis size of a hazelnut is also suck a sweet, much as we can, so its active principles to take effect locally. Treatment is recommended in infections of the mouth, pharyngitis and tonsillitis in.
Daily administration of propolis can also prevent high blood pressure and heart rhythm disorders, while normalizing the amount of cholesterol in the blood and having the role of restoring elasticity of blood vessels.
Propolis tincture diluted in water is not taken because certain substances in its composition precipitate (harden) in contact with water, becoming insoluble and therefore pass through the body without effect. Also, the propolis tincture is not simple, because in contact with the saliva will produce the same effect as in the case of dilution water.
All internal infectious diseases leading to fever treated with 30 drops per day.
Propolist consumption tincture is recommended:
- Menopause, for one year, 10 drops daily.
- The inflammation of the prostate, 30 drops daily.
- Hypertension, 30 drops daily, until healed.
- For inflammation of the kidneys and liver, twice daily 40 drops each, available in a 100 ml glass of warm water until healed.
- For stomach ulcer or enteritis, available daily 40 drops in 100 ml warm milk. Drink on an empty stomach.
- From corns, keratitis can be treated as follows: bedtime soak a piece of cotton wool in propolis tincture and place on the painful day can use propolis salve (Attention keratitis still remain painful for days).
- After shaving, we wash our face, in 100 ml warm water add 40-50 drops of tincture of propolis.
- For those suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, three times a day, 30 drops internally and weekly, are inhalations twice with 100 drops of tincture of propolis per liter of hot water.
- For those intoxicated is beneficial administration of 50 drops of propolis tincture in 100 ml cold water to sober
- In mycotic diseases between toes, diseased sites are smeared with propolis tincture.
- For stomach pain, recommended 50 drops of propolis tincture in 100 ml water. Pain disappear quickly. The composition is also recommended in case of intestinal parasitosis, twice daily on an empty stomach.
- For tooth ache, place a cotton ball soaked in tincture of propolis (bee glue put on clean gums painful or carious tooth relieve pain and prevents infection).
Meanwhile, propolis tincture, combined with a teaspoon of honey taken in the morning on an empty stomach, can eliminate the annoying symptoms of colitis fermentation and putrefaction.
Propolis and bee products that contain this antibiotic in our shop
Onions as the origin comes from the steppe regions of central and western Asia, probably in Afghanistan today. It is one of the oldest cultivated plants, being consumed by approx. 5,000 years ago, he cultivated as a herb, spice and vegetable.
Onion, a common ingredient added to your cuisine has a lot of qualities that you might have overlooked before. Benefits of eating onions definitely exceed your expectations, this vegetable is a real pharmacy concentrated in a bulb.
Onion support brain and heart health, strengthens bones, helps digestion and reduce the risk of developing cancer even. Here's one reason why you should think twice before to avoid eating onions, just because you give a breath smelling unpleasant for some.
Pungent smell of onions is given allyl sulfide, a sulfur-containing compound known for his qualities that protects blood vessels against problems caused by cholesterol. A glass of milk, drinking after eating onions greatly reduce or unpleasant smell.
Also, onions can compensate for oxidative injury to the muscle fibers and tissues in the body caused by excessive physical training.It contains quercetin, a flavonoid that helps prevent oxidative stress in the brain after long workouts.
Frequent consumption of onion reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.
The nutritional value of onions is also appreciated. 100 grams of onion contains 44 calories, 1.4 grams of dietary fiber. But the onion is a food rich in vitamins A, B6, C and E which are added the sodium, potassium, iron and folic acid.
Natural products containing this vegetable miracle in store.Honey is known from ancient times, but officially recognized as a medicine since the Middle Ages. Among all types of honey, the fragrance is sweeter and acacia honey.
Acacia honey is a flower honey, meaning that bees were faithful to a single type of flower and pollen have been collected only from Acacia. It has a pleasant taste, is viscous fluid, and no signs of crystallization when fresh.Honey contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, enzymes, flavoane, flavonoids, aromatic compounds, plant hormones, organic acids (lactic, oxalic, citric, malic), dextrin, nitrogen compounds.
From the physical point of view, acacia honey is almost colorless in time to harvest, but depending on the type of honeycomb and bees collect pollen from which region may have different shades of golden straw yellow or very pale yellow.Crystallization is a natural process and depends on the ratio of glucose and fructose in honey and component temperature. Due to large amounts of fructose, it does not crystallize until after a year and a half two years, but even then entirely.
The smell is specific. Must keep in mind however, that strong smell of acacia honey is a sign of counterfeiting by introducing an infusion of acacia flowers.
The main quality of Acacia honey is soothing cough, it is antiseptic and is used to treat fatigue and neurosis.
Therapeutic indications
Acacia honey is recommended for:
It has a fructose content higher than other types of honey (41.7%) and contains 10% sucrose and maltose and glucose 34.7%, with pH 4.
Garlic is an edible herb, used as a food and spice. The main edible part of the garlic bulb is made up of several cloves, but when the plant is young, its leaves are used in the culinary field, fresh.
Garlic is the most powerful antibiotic known natural form of pure food. One milligram of garlic has the same power as twenty-five units of penicillin.
Eating garlic helps eliminate streptococci which causes scarlet fever, diphtheria, inflammation of the lining of the heart (rheumatic fever). It fights infections and frees sinuses, bronchi and lungs.
Garlic consumed frequently ward off asthma and bronchitis, improves circulation and heart function, prevent cancer and help organisumul to get rid of dangerous toxins.
Consumption of products containing this miracle food are recommended for developing and maintaining a healthy body and free from diseases.
Here are some benefits of eating garlic and herb products containing it:
- Help lower cholesterol;
- Treats and prevents influenza and respiratory tract infections;
- Incentive for capillary regrowth;
- Reduces blood pressure;
- Help treat gout;
- Stimulates metabolism;
- Help treat purulent wounds;
- Prevents the spread of cancer of the colon, breast, prostate.
- Contribute to an easy digestion;
- Help treat diabetes;
- Curing warts;
- Strengthens the immune system.
Beans is a plant that is part of the legume native to America.De bean pod can be eaten both green or yellow, and the dried beans. Beans found in different shapes, sizes and colors. These varieties of beans can be eaten in a variety of dishes.
Beans are as rich in protein such as chicken, fish or milk. Few know its true properties. Beans beans is a true ally in weight loss.
The rich content of nutrients makes it a very healthy food for the human body. Beans contains the highest amount of fiber of all vegetables. It also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, folic acid, magnesium and iron.Calcium and phosphorous play a vital role in bone health. Potassium works with sodium to maintain a healthy blood pressure. Folate is a B vitamin, often associated with pregnancy health. He is required to produce and maintain new cells.
Magnesium has many purposes in the body: supports muscle and nerve function, keeps the immune system takes care of bone health and blood pressure and helps metabolize energy.Iron is an important part of transport proteins in blood oxygen and promotes healthy cell development.Bean consumption reduces risk of heart and lowers blood pressure due to the existing level of potassium in fiber. Beans are good for people with diabetes due to low glycemic index it contains.
Eating beans has other properties:
-decreases the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer;
- Used as a remedy for liver failure;
- Reduce the risk of diabetes, balancing sugar levels in the body;
- Decreases the risk of infection;
- Improve digestion;
- Delays aging;
-intareste immune system.
Beans are a healthy substitute for heart abnormalities and prevents births.
Buy Now this vegetable beneficial to your body in our store!Raw Vegan is the new trend in today's society, based on everything that is natural. Raw vegan diet involves eating fresh uncooked or chemically. To prepare these foods do not need stove or oven.
From this raw vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, seeds, algae and germs, thermal or chemical unprocessed but are cooked through imuiere, fermentation and dehydration.
From this raw vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, seeds, algae and germs, thermal or chemical unprocessed but are cooked through imuiere, fermentation and dehydration.
Fibers consumed offers a satiety for a long time and in this way we will not feel hunger so often.
Raw vegan foods are healthier and richer in vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals than cooked, which is pied in properties through thermal processing.
Raw vegan diet helps to lose weight in a healthy way, we get rid of constipation and improves digestion most problems. This diet provides the body with all the nutrients it needs.
Raw vegan diet is recommended for cardiovascular diseases, helps detoxify the body, boosts the immune system, prevents cancer and brain diseases.
Free radicals fruits and vegetables delay cell damage and aging.
Eating food raw vegan elimination from the body stimulates the inflammatory and oxidative substatelor, and giving up pasta, sugar, animal fats, meat products, processed fast food.
Snack should contain fruits, vegetables and grains, raw vegan or dessert focused on raw vegetable juices or sweets.
It is important to know that this diet offers many benefits but also some dangers. Therefore, appropriate would be to consult a nutritionist who can help and advise you on this diet for a healthy alternative.This is not recommended for children and pregnant or nursing women. Raw vegan diet does not support the growth and development of children in their raw food vegan nevoie.Ideea behind the diet is to add even near cooked food, large amounts of raw foods, vegetable, which no one can discredit concentrated nutritional qualities.
Raw vegan products in our store.Spelt wheat grain is the oldest common ancestor of wheat, with a delicious taste reminiscent of walnuts, being known since antiquity body with exceptional benefits.
What makes it particularly toward common wheat? First the many nutrients it contains manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc, fiber, protein, vitamins A and E, complex B vitamins and niacin (vitamin PP), and that is easily digested because proteins and starch structure. Nutrients from spelled wheat are more easily assimilated due to their outstanding solvency in water, which means that the process of digestion is more efficient and less intense. This makes the spelled wheat to be recommended in the diets of young children, sick or elderly athletes that dieters with high carbo. Spelt wheat positive effects of help in treating children neurodermitis and skin diseases, confirmed as the best way to treat their basic diet.
Spelt wheat benefits:
- Reduce risk of arteriosclerosis, reduce the risk of breast cancer;
- Help in treating disorders of metabolism and digestion;
- Improve the training of blood and nervous system stimulates metabolism;
- Stimulates the kidneys;
- Help in treating degenerative diseases;
-decreases cholesterol;
- Decreases the acidity of the body, is basic;
- Has a vitalizing effect on patients with depression, due to its high L-Tryptophan;
- It has a stimulating effect on the immune and inflammatory because of its thiocyanate;
- Reduces the risk of developing asthma in children with eating fish;
- Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Spelt wheat is found in the full version, in the form of grain or flour version. Spelt flour can successfully replace standard wheat flour.
Coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble substance present in all cells with a structure very similar to that of vitamin E, an antioxidant effect of coenzyme is almost twice as powerful.
The body produces coenzyme Q10 in sufficient quantity only until the age of 30 years, after which it progressively declines as we age. It requires supplementing them through supplementation or increased by intake of foods containing it.
Coenzyme Q 10 is synthesized in the body from a named amino acid tyrosine, via endogenous biosynthesis is a complex process, the implementation of which requires not less than eight vitamins. Therefore, if these vitamins are not found consistently and in sufficient quantity in the body, the result is always a decrease in the level of coenzyme Q10 followed by a full suite of health problems, and premature aging.
When the amount of coenzyme Q10 decreases by only 25% of that needed organ severe oxidation-reduction reactions and installation significantly increases the risk of hypertension, cardiomyopathy and heart failure.
CoQ10 has been called the "elixir of youth", as it is one of the most effective known substances in the body's fight against free radicals and cell membrane protection against the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays.
- Reduce and replenish malignant tumors and vascular cells after stroke;
- Improves the immune system;
- Vascular and cerebral tonic, relieves symptoms of coronary artery;
- Activates the metabolism, favoring weight loss;\
- Improves male fertility;
- Q10 administration is recommended in cases of chronic fatigue, prolonged stress, depression, apathy, and ulcers in the duodenum, Alzheimer's disease and certain of diabetes and dental disease;
- Wrinkle effect, Coenzyme Q10 is effective and dermatological treatments. Daily stress, metabolism affected, toxins, excessive smoking and sun exposure are factors that favor the production of harmful free radicals, decreased levels of collagen in the skin and thus losing its elasticity and premature wrinkles.
Healthy and very tasty nuts are foods of autumn, we should not miss in any season. What we know about nuts is that they green colors our hands, but few of us know that these seasonal fruits prevent cardiovascular diseases, increase immunity and lower cholesterol. Walnuts are considered brain food, essential nutrients for health because it contains the nervous system and function of the entire body.
Says that green nuts are a symbol of life and fecundity, and green bark has astringent properties, due to its high tannin and iodine, the disinfectant used in natural products or in the preparation of natural dyes hair. Nutshell green can be used for removing warts.
Especially appreciated in the diet, you should know that nuts contain a variety of nutrients such as calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, potassium, folic acid and vitamins nelipsitele A, B, D, E, and F.
There are multiple benefits of nut consumption, but few can be mentioned, very important for our body: prevent cancer, prevent premature skin aging, contributes to rapid regeneration of hair, help you lose weight, being included in various diets.
Antioxidants in fruits core regulates cholesterol in the blood and also the blood pressure. Eaten regularly, walnuts reduce the risk of heart and fight depression by acquiring a state of calm.
Walnut kernels fried combat urinary tract infections, but also can be used by people to get rid of anemic or cough.
Green walnuts or walnut kernels are used in cookery for making two very popular products, green nut jam and liqueur.
Green walnuts are good for jam late June until near the end of July.
Pollen - a bee product miraculously, he is feeding bees and contains over 96 different nutrients, 40 types of proteins, amino acids, vitamins and folic acid.
A spoonful of pollen is produced by a bee in a month, working eight hours a day. Each pearl bee pollen product contains over two million pollen grains floral and a tablespoon contains over 2.5 billion such granules.
Bee pollen is richer in protein than any animal source contains more amino acids than the same amount of beef, cheese or eggs. Amino acids and vitamins, protects your skin and helps cell regeneration.
Experts say that pollen is part of the 22 recommended foods to increase energy levels. Bee pollen product, used in medicine, contains large amounts of rutin, a bioflavonoid antioxidant that helps strengthen blood vessels, fixes problems and corrects circulatory cholesterol levels. Its anti-clotting could prevent heart attack or stroke.
This bee product offers a rich amount of vitamins, minerals, 22 amino acids, enzymes, globulin, polypeptides, peptones, nucleic acids, lecithin and many other beneficial substances. Bee pollen offers all essential nutrients for development, but at the same time beneficial to the human body. Improves memory and energy levels and is also an ally in weight loss diet, if you choose to include in your daily diet.
Pollen found in a wide range, and if ingested beads are too difficult, try the powder, powder or tablets.
Find this miraculous bee product in our store.As we know, Quince fruit is the star of the fall, but less knowledgeable and benefits that this fruit brings human organisumului.
Quince fruit are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that have numerous properties. Vitamins A, B, C and PP tannins in combination with pectin helps to maintain the health of the digestive mucosa and antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer.
Properties of quince:
- Has anti-inflammatory;
- Has analgesic;
- Has tonic and expectorant;
- Has astringent action;
- Strengthens the gums and teeth remineralizes;
- Decreases vascular pressure;
- Is a remedy for colds and flu;
Of pumpkin pectin substances are essential in reducing cholesterol!
Quinces are used for jellies and jams form because contain significant amounts of pectin. The fruit can be consumed as stewed or baked.
These fruits are antidepressants. To improve mood, after each meal take one tablespoon of quince jam.
Quince Jam is an exceptional sweetness, very aromatic, with a special taste, is suitable both for cakes and breakfast spread on a slice of buttered bread with a cup of tea or a glass of warm milk.
Alegeti borcanul tau de dulceata de gutui din magazinul nostru!
We live in a world in constant agitation, in which each of us are looking for ways ideal to have a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to eating, the latest trends in the field are reduced as much as possible the consumption of meat, and integration into the diet as little processed food.
Whole grains are one of the foods that offers a lot of benefits when consumed daily.
Consumption of whole grains at breakfast, helps boost metabolism and burn calories fast. Another benefit of eating muesli is offered, as is known, it strengthens brain activity and helps you focus.
A bowl of musli bio best and healthiest cereal is the energy source, which must have in every morning.
Musli flakes specifics of how to achieve the grain is whole grain, which is mechanically pressed between valtzuri to be brought to the form known after that is rapidly heated or fried. The last two procedures resulting in short time and provide both bringing in a form digestible starch, and inactivate enzymes that cause rancidity while. In this way, keeps intact cereal grain of B vitamins, tocopherol, fiber, including beta-glucans in barley and oat germ fats, nutrients so modern man looking for different effects, but always positive on the body.
To give a better taste and an additional fiber and antioxidants, can add dried fruit, the most common being the raisins, apricots, plums, bananas. They represent a natural sweetening solution mixture, without the need to add amounts of refined sugar that makes musliul pleasant taste to the consumer.
BioShopRomania recommend consumption of cereals and products obtained from them by natural means.
Tea was first of all a drug, which was then within the cult beautiful art.
Natural herbal tea is one of the best liquids, the human body needs to grow into a beautiful harmony. It has 10 times more antioxidants than fruits and vegetables. Tea consumed daily, increases immunity and decreases the risk of brain tumors and cardiovascular accident.Drinking tea daily body brings many benefits, such as:
- Reduces stress;
- Helps prevent colds;
- Stimulates the function of internal organs;
- Facilitates sleep onset;
- Offers seating;
- Contribute to heart disease therapy;
- Relieves digestive problems;
- Detoxifies the body;
- Strengthens the immune system;
- Provide antioxidants.
Tea is recommended to be sweetened with honey, which not only gives it a pleasant taste, but also bring benefits. Tea contains antioxidants that stop the growth of cancer cells. Those who drink a daily cup of green tea shows a lower risk of developing lung cancer, stomach and prostate. Coffee lovers can substitute other energy potions, balms for the brain, namely the herbal teas, such as green, black, infusions of chicory, catnip, lavender, gentian, and the ginger. Have different levels of caffeine, tannins and compounds that give them properties tonics, stimulants, revitalizing, vasodilators and diuretics.
The diversity of natural herbal tea helps the body to develop and regenerate according to the medical problems they encounter.
BioShopRomania recommend daily administration of a cup of tea, beneficial to the body healthy and harmonious development.
Pickles winter are our allies in fighting the dreaded viruses account and respiratory diseases, because vitamins and minerals are highly valued in winter and contain many pickles.
Sauerkraut is excellent in such cases, vitamin C brings body and counteracts the negative effects of red meat. The active substances of pickles and cabbage, help in the detoxification process, making them ideal for weight loss.
Cabbage juice stimulates the body's ability to eliminate accumulated toxins and thus prevent certain diseases, such as lung, colon, stomach and prostate cancers. It contains lactic acid, a very effective colon cleanser. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and can prevent and treat degenerative arthritis and other inflammatory diseases ..
Since no added sugar, pickles are indicated in the diet because they have very few calories, zero fat and high amounts of fiber that are essential for healthy digestion. Also, the pickles are a rich source of minerals such as magnesium, iron and calcium, essential for proper development of body functions.
Great importance they have and spices that we want to add to pickles. If, for example, use dill and garlic to give extra flavor gogonelelor, we will benefit from the positive effects of all these plants. Dill has flavonoids, the role of tissue regeneration, garlic help balance bacteria in the body and some mustard digestion and prevent bloating help.
1. Cut green tomatoes in quarters and if they are tiny in half. Boil in more cold water to even lose bitterness and saturated. Boil 30 -45 minutes.
2. Peel the onion, chop and fry in two tablespoons of oil in a hot pan for 3 minutes. Grind garlic knife and add onion. Stir and cook 1 minute longer.
3. calitura off with broth and pepper. Allow to give some hot over low heat.
4. Add green tomatoes cooked the sauce and let simmer 2-3 minutes. Taste and if necessary with salt and salt gogonelele did not come.
5. Finely chop the dill and aromeza food.
If you have not yet started to put pickles winter you find in our store.
Pumpkin is one of the most common vegetables, rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Does the low calorie but rich in vitamin A, carotene, flavonoids and polyphenols abundant.
The pumpkin has many benefits for the body.
It prevents colon cancer and regulates blood sugar under control of asemnea you tension and prevents heart disease. Potassium of pumpkin help the body to regain its chemical balance after depositing a particular exercise. This mineral is found in an increased amount in pumpkin than bananas.
People with diabetes will heal much faster if you include in your diet foods with raw pumpkin soups.
The core of pumpkin contains large amounts of vitamins A, C and E, effective detoxification cure the body.
Pumpkin has a very high content of beta-carotene, a substance that takes care of the health of the nervous system and skin health.
Pumpkin seeds are an excellent remedy in disorders of the bladder and prostate, the high zinc content. The consumption of 50 g of roasted seeds per day provides a daily dose of magnesium.
Pumpkin seeds are high in calories, about 559 calories per 100 g. They are used in many cultures as a natural treatment for intestinal parasites.
Pumpkin seed oil contains certain substances with hormonal and helps beneficial effect in the treatment or prophylaxis infestioase. They are an excellent source of B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) and folate);
Pumpkin seeds can be eaten:
3 pieces of boneless chicken breast
salt and pepper
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
150 g of mushrooms champignon
1 lettuce
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
2 boiled eggs
4 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 teaspoons mustard seeds
1 tablespoon capers
6 tablespoons olive oil
4 tablespoons vegetable soup
Wash the chicken, delete it and rub it with salt and pepper. Il fry in oil for about 10 minutes, remove it and you wrap in aluminum foil. Wash the peppers, seed them clean and white interior parts, then cut them into thin slices.
Mushrooms clean, wash them and cut them into thin slices. Lettuce a wash, a water shield and a break how big you want. Then mix salad with cooked vegetables.
For the sauce clean shell eggs, crush them with a fork, brush and tarragon finely Heels them. Mix the eggs with tarragon, vinegar, mustard, salt, pepper and capers. Add the olive oil and vegetable soup and fit and taste.
Chicken a larger cut slices, place it on lettuce and pour over dressing egg. When you bring the salad to the table, sprinkle deaupra pumpkin seeds.
Cherries are one of the healthiest fruits and are effective and important for our physical and mental health.
Cherries have many properties on the body. They are good for the liver, lowers cholesterol and ward off fatigue, helping to prevent cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and stroke.
Cherries contain antioxidants and active ingredients that detoxifies the body and maintain healthy body cells, preventing cell mutations and cancer.
For people suffering from chronic diseases, can enjoy inflammatory effects of cherries.
The high content of antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals, cherries helps the body cells to live longer and maintain specific functions. What to eat cherry season is slowly increasing their life expectancy.
It is not advisable to eat more cherries that predispose to weight gain and increased blood sugar, having a higher amount of sugar than other fruit.
The oil is a food always present in any kitchen. It is present in 75% of the dishes that are served at the table of the Rumans. If we want to reap the benefits of a healthy diet, the oil must be chosen carefully.
The general rule is to opt for liquid cooking oil, a better option than butter or margarine. What makes an edible oil to be healthy or unhealthy is the quantity and quality of fats contained. Thus, the higher cooking oil contains higher levels of monounsaturated fat, the better it is for consumption (these fats in the body reduce bad cholesterol LDL) . Another type of fat best for cooking oil it contains are polyunsaturated associated with better heart health.
The first place in the list of healthiest cooking oils are extra virgin olive oil, rich in monounsaturated fat extremely, the lowering bad cholesterol and raise good HDL cholesterol in the body level.
Extra virgin olive oil can savor sauteed or steamed vegetables can be an excellent dressing for salads or used in place of butter during cooking.
Other oils are considered safe for consumption:
- Sunflower oil
- linseed oil
- corn oil
- avocado oil
- canola oil
Used in cooking oils contain high levels of saturated fats, which are considered to be hazardous to health as it leads to the accumulation of arterial plaque and increase bad cholesterol levels in the body, increasing the risk of disease cardiace.Incercati to possibly avoid these edible oils, whose intake of saturated fat it sometimes exceeds that of meat fat.
- Coconut oil
- palm oil
- palm kernel oil
- Safflower oil
In this season, our body is more vulnerable due to the low temperatures and the habit of eating healthy becomes even more important. Because in Romania, a child suffers an average of 5-6 colds per year, and an adult from 2 to 4 colds a year.
Resistance is caused by the body's immune nutrition and how the body responds to stress factors. The food consumed acts as a shield for healthy cells, designed to strengthen and support immune function.
Although all that winter is the season where we enjoy the soul and senses, eating habits are not very healthy, and the risk of food allergies, the indigestion but also other diseases of the digestive system is extremely high and obviously not talking about extra kilos .
What foods we should consume during the winter, in order to keep and increase resistance to disease?
To strengthen the immune system need to consume vitamin C. This vitamin is found in products made from capsicum, pepper, thyme, parsley, sea buckthorn, cauliflower, greens, tomatoes, blackberries, daikon radish and vitamin A found in eggs, milk, paprika, red pepper, sweet potatoes, carrots, dark leafy vegetables, pumpkin, lettuce, dried apricots, butter.
The minerals needed by the immune system are found in pumpkin seeds, wholegrain breads and cereals, pumpkin seeds, seeds of sunflower, ginger, nuts, lentils, beans, peas, brown rice
Other sources of probiotics are garlic, artichokes, onions, pickles and oat well.
If we want to try something else, a solution would be eating oleaginous fruits like peanuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios.
It also recommends that the recipes to be prepared with as many and spices because of their curative properties.
In Romania produces about 250 kinds of organic foods, organic products and 80% of the import market.
Organic products have a nutritional amount 30% higher than usual. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, is less fatty meat and eggs bio oils and fatty acids have the best quality.
Common products containing pesticide substances responsible for cancers, infertility, obesity, malformations and hormonal disorders.
LeGoff Lyliane doctor and environmentalist claims that organic food have a higher share of nutrients, containing more magnesium and fiber, and a greater amount of vitamins and antioxidants, Psychologies quotes.
It is well known that unhealthy diets, containing additives, enhancers and other types of Es is frequently involved in causing serious diseases. Organic products are natural and do not contain E , so eating organic foods can prevent serious diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular disease.
An organic food has the following characteristics:
Since its beginnings people cereleale the use of user post feed. Raw cereal grains are those who were not removed the outer shell of the grain nor germs.
Whole grains are rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber, healthy fats, vegetable enzymes, hormones and hundreds of phytochemicals.
Grains are composed of three parts:
The outer shell of the grain (bran) fiber which contains Omega 3 acids, dietary vitamins and minerals.
The endosperm is the main cereals, in particular starchy.
Germ is the smallest part of the grain is a good source of folic acid, vitamin E, thiamin, phosphorus and magnesium.
Whole grains have important benefits for body health
Whole grains contain dietary fiber and nutrients and are an excellent source of carbohydrates, proteins. They contain no cholesterol, but in composition vitamins such as calcium, iron, copper, zinc and selenium and essential minerals for optimal health.
Cereals helps support the circulatory system healthy and reduce the risk of triggering bone and stroke. They help decrease risk, also to triggering asthma carotid arteries and preserving health.
The apple is a plant species of the Rosacea family. The main fruit-growing species that can be grown in all parts of the country from the plain to the hilly area.
In Romania apple production reaches about 550,000 tonnes per year, thus ranking in the top 15 world producers of apples.
Eating apples is indicated for the reduction of various chronic diseases.
Apple help protect neuronal cells from oxidative neurotoxicity induced by oxidative stress. The properties that we have apples may help reduce the risk of cancer, including antimutagenic activity, antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory mechanism.
Apple consumption is associated with a lower risk of death from heart disease, a combination which is considered to be related to the content of antioxidants and flavonoids.Apples and apple juice contain a mixture of nutrients and fiber, and if consumed regularly help reduce the risk of lung and colon cancer.
A good reason to try hot chilli jam is the intake of benefits that brings to your body.
Chilli has the ability to reduce the cholesterol and triglyceride levels and prevent blood clots, and also can regulate blood flow.
Through a scientific study is has been shown that people who consume moderately hot peppers are much less likely to suffer a heart attack or a stroke.
Eating chilli reduce the risk of stomach ulcers.
Chilli contain a representative amount of vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin A and is a good stimulant and antiseptic.
Chilli is often used in weight loss because it determines a faster fat burning in the body.
Eating hot peppers can also be an ideal treatment for flu or colds, and also helps to strengthen your immunity.
Hot Chilli Jam is ideal consumed in combination with any steak or as an appetizer with various types of cheese and raw vegetables.
Plum is the second most cultivated fruit tree in the world. Romania ranks first place in Europe to plum acreage.
The fruits are fleshy and juicy, dark blue colour, and they taste delicious, bringing many benefits to the body.
10 Benefits for the body:
1. They are perfect for relieving constipation and digestive problems, as they are rich in dietary fiber, sorbitol and isatin.
2. It protects the heart. Fresh plums contains about 113 mg of potassium, which helps to manage the blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.
3. Protects you against cancer and against cell damage, due to the content of anthocyanins, the red-blue pigment.
4. Helps the body to develop the resistance against infectious agents, prevents the inflammation and cleans the free radicals.
5. Prevent diabetes. They have a low glycemic index, so you can eat plums to control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
6. They improve the bone health. Eating plums during diets with calcium and vitamin D supplements, you can improve your bone mineral density.
7. They are low in calories, they are very effective during diets (a small-sized plum contains only 30 calories).
8. Plums helps the iron absorption in the body, due to the source rich in vitamin C.
9. Plums extract can kill aggressive breast cancer cells.
10. Improve your brain memory. Plums are full with antioxidants which have been found beneficial to slow the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Plums can be used in many recipes, from breakfast cereals, desserts, to pickles, and so on.
You can also make Romanian traditional alcoholic drinks from plums, such as traditional Palinca, traditional Tuica, plum brandy and plum wine.
One of the most popular dishes is the traditional plum jam.
From your pantry you should not miss the plum jam and the plum compote.
These seeds must be grounded before being eaten, because they are coated with a hard shell, hard to chew. They can be eaten alone, or can be introduced with juice, yoghurt and other preparations.
The taste of flaxseed is sweet and is similar to walnuts.
Flax seeds are the richest vegetable source of omega 3, an antioxidant known for its beneficial effects on heart, bone and blood pressure. Another unique aspect is that flaxseed is the best source of lignin.
The Flaxseeds helps regulate the bowel movements and combates the constipation, it also helps against cancer, helps losing weight and reduce the blood cholesterol levels.
Flaxseeds contains triglycerides, linolenic and linoleic oil, oleic, stearic, palmitic and myristic.
Bread with flaxseeds recipe
1. Mix the Flaxseeds and cover with water, leaving them to soak.
2. After a few hours you'll get a gelatin composition
3. Put in the food processor and add the remaining ingredients
4. Use the dehydrator to dry. If you do not have a dehydrator, put a drier baking sheet on a plate, cover the mixture, cut it (depending on preference), and put it on the radiator until it will dehydrate (1-2 days.
Cold season brings the immune system vulnerability due to humidity, a temperature inversion and cold. Thus, the remedy for a healthy body comes straight from the hive as mother bee milk.
It is a good stimulant for the immune system and restorative grace nutrients, vitamins and enzymes. Mother bee milk is the only source of 10HDA acid which serves to increase the resistance of the body in fighting disease. Experts recommend courses of 4 to 6 weeks each spring and autumn.
Also, mother bee milk contains acetylcholine, a substance that mediates nerve impulse transmission. It contains vitamins: B5, B3, B12. They serve stress, lower blood pressure and higher brain functions and help maintain a steady blood sugar level.
Mother bee milk has no artificial hormones in content so that help overcome fertility problems by stimulating the body's proper functioning and essential hormone secretion own processes involved in fertility. This preserves natural food and skin health.
You must know that mother bee milk is not medicine in the strict sense, but it is a very effective supplement can most effectively.
It can be used both adults and children as follows:
- Children: between 0.25g and 0.5g per day;
- Adults: between 1g and 2g per day
This year's World Food Day (celebrated annually on October 16) is the main theme: social protection and agriculture. Break the cycle of poverty in rural areas. Education and financial support and social protection are essential tools for stimulating agricultural production. It also sits day and into stopping world hunger.
As I said from the beginning, I started on this path of promoting small farmers across the country, and thus promoting Romanian products bio and traditional products natural made in households following the primary aim of material and financial resources to return in the countryside.
In this respect, for a week October 16 to 23, I prepared special offers in the store with large discounts and free shipping anywhere in the country.
Thus, we follow our creed to promote healthy eating and living in harmony with nature and ancestral traditions. For Beautiful Life!
It is fall and one of the most consumed products of the season is zacusca. Found in various forms in the Balkans: pepper, mushrooms, carrots, sweet or spicy, fill our storehouses in winter. Zacustile as seen in the store are made in all historical areas of the country but each producer has left its mark on the taste using old traditional recipe inherited from their ancestors. Zacusca either Wallachian, Moldavian, Transylvania, Maramures and Banat is a 100% natural product produced through craft, fire wood plum, eggplant, bell peppers, peppers, onions, tomato sauce, sunflower oil, bay leaves, salt, pepper, paprika and chilli. All vegetables grown in natural peasant sun
According to the Romanian tradition, after the autumn harvest, some families prepare refreshments and preserved in sterilized jars for the winter. If you have not yet chosen to eat in our zacustile and want to devote home and produce this specific product Balkans, we will provide recipes and helpful and can send us a jar to taste J new!
Zacusca eggplant Ingredients:
• 3 kg. eggplant (with skin shiny black, slightly fluffy to the touch)
• 2 kg. pimiento red pepper, fat or preferably peppers (sweeter)
• 1 kg. onion
• 1 liter of broth onion tomato right consistency (not paste) or preferably 1 kg of tomatoes
• 500 ml. Sun flower Oil
• 3-4 bay leaves
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1 teaspoon black pepper
• powder or 1 teaspoon peppercorns
Bake eggplant, peppers and sweet preferably wood fire. Then peel vegetables and let it drain a few hours. Follow the boil tomatoes. It removes the spines and all seeds from peppers and peppers and cut them. Eggplant and chop them. Peel the onion and cut, and then put to cook in oil until it begins to soften and turn a golden color. Add the chopped eggplant, peppers and cut peppers and tomatoes cooked in broth. Add salt to taste. Allow the entire contents to fry briskly and continuously stirring with a wooden spoon until all broth decreases. And finally fill the jars, close them - Aprons, and boil them in water bath for 25 minutes from the moment when water begins to boil. Finally leave the jars to cool the water in which they cooked, wipe out and placed in dry and cool while waiting for the meal.
Bon Appetite!
Dear friends, after two years of hard work today swinging the only way to supermarket online Romania Romanian producers dedicated exclusively to authentic Romanian bio products, traditional and natural. So starting today the most varied natural Romanian products made in households across the country, are present in BioShopRomania.com online store. Because the products are handmade, most are not found in retail shops or other high street shops.
We keep our promise to promote domestic and international Romanian products so successful. Also in the sense of promise, We prepared online shop BioShopRomania.com a more diverse range liking all your family members: zacusti, jams, sweet dessetrs, honey, syrups, staple foods, teas, whole grains form flour, flakes, seeds, soy products, oils unrefined and cold pressed, syrups invert sugar, bee products and energizing honey-based products for diabetics, Dietary Supplements, dried fruits, essential oils and aromatherapy, cosmetics and many more.
We are launching the store nearly 1,000 Romanian produced exclusively now, but We refilled daily with new products, so the total number would be later than 6000.
Products are certified organic, certified natural and traditional and deliver them to you directly from households producers thus keeping their freshness and taste of yesteryear. Access to products in the store is light and easy and secure payment systems are diverse choice each (cash, credit card or online payment order). Everything was designed to make use fewer polluting resources.
In other words, we want and we think together with you we will turn the store space with the greatest diversity of Romanian ingredients to suit your tastes and managed together to prove that we can live healthy in harmony with nature "for beatiful life" .
Thank you for joining us!
We want to offer here 10 reasons to eat Romanian organic food and natural traditional products to have a healthy life you and your family. We believe that the arguments are much more favorable, but share with you the top 10:
2. For children, organic foods are more beneficial, they are more susceptible to the harmful effects of toxic pesticides elements. Remember that pesticide packaging drew them famous sign for poison! A study by the Federal Institute of Health showed that in the blood of children up to four years who were fed a bio at birth is six times less toxic waste than in the blood of children who were fed industrial classic products.
3. European Institute of Agriculture confirmed in some studies that lasted five years as vegetables, fruits and grains resulting from bio crops are 15% more rich in nutrients compared to industrial products, and the taste is much better.
4. Eliminating pesticides is a factor beneficial to our health and our environment. If crops are not treated with pesticides, making them no longer necessary and thus reduce the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere through the process.
5. Organic foods have a dual antioxidant content compared to the industry. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers consume more than half of the biological reserve of antioxidants to neutralize the chemicals they absorb from the soil. Consequently, bio culture is rich in antioxidants than the classic.
6. Bio products are constantly reviewed and are re-certified regularly as a result of the laboratory analysis, which is an additional guarantee of quality. In organic agriculture apply 25 filters and controls more than industrial production.
7. Organic foods have a warranty period less than the "chemical" as a result of not using pesticides.
8. Organic agriculture and animal husbandry have created a new lifestyle, the main reason is the respect for nature and advocate a healthy life in harmony with nature and traditional values.
9. Organic fruits and vegetables are picked only maturity. There can be picked ripe raw and artificial during transport as they are not subject to chemical treatments or ozone to make them resistant to transport and storage.
10. Organic farming offers the added value of agricultural labor, more responsible producers and consumers and offers a middle way between respect for nature and the human need for healthy food.
In mid-July, exactly 15 July 2015 Funding Agency for Agricultural Investment opened RDP funding, such as small and medium enterprises, micro enterprises and farmers free you to attract European money for your business development. 6.2 and 6.4 sub-measure financing are part of the National Rural Development Programme 2014-2010.
They are structured as follows:
- Sub-measure 6.2 Support for the establishment of non-agricultural activities in rural areas. Total funds available in 2015 are EUR 44,164,707.
- Sub-measure 6.4 Investments in creation and development of non-agricultural activities. Total funds available in 2015 are EUR 57,214,935.
Also they were published and another 8 sub-measures for: agricultural holdings, fruit, agricultural products processing, fruit processing products, agricultural infrastructure + forestry, young farmers, Establishing non-agricultural activities, small farms Development, Modernization and Groups manufacturers fruit growing non-agricultural activities . You can submit funding projects both online and physical untill October 30, 2015.
For details on application procedures, you will find information on the Agency website: https://www.apdrp.ro/
So, we wish you much success and growth in business!
Well, dear friends, a handful of people who believe that everyday life can take place under the slogan "for Beautiful Life", I decided after a year and a half of hard work (and several research), to come in meet your needs and your families to live healthy by eating organic Romanian products, traditional Romanian products and natural products so popular, but hard to find in one store.
Thus was born the online store, www.BioShopRomania.com, who planned to bring you closer to your favorite products.
What do we want? I think we are in your consent when we say that we want to promote authentic Romanian food products and non-food products made in farms and farmsteads, products that meet genuine sincerity manufacturers. This will be found in store offer only products accompanied by veterinary certificates, certificates or certified organic natural product.
Well, yes, we intend to promote these products and therefore Romanian producers both nationally and internationally and promote the country's image through its most price: ancestral traditions. I realized that store powerful tool to promote the needs of all Romanian producers as online marketplace visibility.
That is why online shop platform was designed to offer easy access and easy from anywhere in the country or abroad. The permanent work together with our team that you order the products they arrive in the shortest time possible on your table. And to keep them fresh, they will be shipped directly from manufacturers farms. Sometimes we are going to make mistakes but we will accept from you, of course, any suggestions and complaints to improve our services.
Why? Because we want to demonstrate with you that we emphasized to live healthy in the consumerism time in harmony with nature without cannibalizing and benefit to all the physical and moral life more beautiful and healthy. Soon we will prepare the store for orders.
Thank you for joining us!
Team BioshopRomania.com
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